Thursday, February 17, 2011

i'm back

Hey everyone I know its been a very long time since i've updated this blog, but had to deal with some personal issues in my life that held just a bit more weight in my life than blogging.

HOWEVER, with that being said, I am now officially back.  Expect the content on this blog to become bigger, better, and badder! So keep on the lookout and you should start seeing the updates coming!

Thanks for everyone's patience and lets get right back to it. We don't smoke blunts, y'all.


  1. Welcome back, sounds awesome dude. Followed!

  2. Awesome, I don't smoke blunts either. Tho I do roll spliffs.

  3. Good to see your back man

  4. @HallChap

    I feel that brother. spliffs or anything with paper is the way to go!
